
Rand(Nerds); Episode 166



Welcome to episode 10100110 This week Ram has been having fun flying about and landing on his friends fields in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Hes talk about the excellent HOTAS support, the toggleable VR and landing on his friends field. We discuss how sims feel so much better with proper controller support. Skazz tried to play MechWarrior 5, after Ram's disappointment last episode, Skazz wanted to see if it worked better with a game pad. Unfortunately it did not work much better We also discuss sexy hardware and lost dreams over cryptocurrency, the joy of pottering around, plus ram is getting his microchip installed next week.  Notes: Fly around and find your house in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Not much better on a pad, perhaps wait for the console version... MechWarrior 5 Turns out pilot don't use a Sextant any more, but used to An in case you don't know what a Sextant is, Wikipedia to the rescue Intrested in planes and flying, check out 74Gear and Captain Joe And if you fancy listing to some A