Big Scary Show – Episode 266 – Actor Training and Retention



Episode 266 The heat is on! Not just because it’s July, but because it’s only 3 months until October. Before you start to panic, take a deep breath, drink some water, and tune into another episode of the Big Scary Show. Storm will be ranting about Shaquille O’Neal in a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim discusses being drawn and quartered in Between the Corpses. Badger brings you the latest in Deadline News, plus an interview with DJ Qualls from ‘Supernatural’. The Old Crone talks about using SEO to make your haunt successful. We spin some rockin’ tunes to keep you going, and there’s a new Gruesome Giveaway for July (Sponsored by Screamline Studios) The Roundtable of Terror (sponsored by HauntPay) brings in a trio of actor trainers to discuss ways to hire, retain, and train your actors for the upcoming season. There was so much information and we ran short of time, so we may have to bring them back for part 2 in the near future. We hid the body, but you’ll become an accomplice just by listening to……..