BIG SCARY SHOW – Episode 226 – HAuNTcon 2021



It’s the final show of 2020, and as we say goodbye to one crazy year, the Big Scary Show is looking ahead to 2021 and the first haunt convention of the year. HAuNTcon was scheduled to be in Dallas in January, but is now going to be a virtual show.  What’s a virtual show you may ask? Stay tuned. Storm is ranting in a Haunt Minute. Meathook Jim is talking Between the Corpses. Badger is reading Deadline News. And Jerry Vayne brings you five holiday tunes from Midnight Syndicate. Vysther is taking this episode off. The Roundtable of Terror invites Samantha Grimaldi from HAuNTcon to sit down and discuss all the things they’re doing to hold a virtual convention January 19-21st. All the classes, seminars, vendors, and more that you would expect are all going to be there, just in cyberspace. How can you participate?  Stay tuned to find out.  All this and much, much more as we close out 2020. From all of us at the Big Scary Show, we wish each and every one of our listeners a very happy and safe holi