Big Scary Show – Episode 190 – Haunt Music



The Dog Days of Summer are here, but the (g)hosts decide to stay cool in the studio with Ed Douglas and Gavin Goska of Midnight Syndicate. We talk about the live show at Cedar Point, and we ask the question. When is a new album coming out? Badger brings us the latest Deadline News, Storm has an “Epic” Haunt Minute, Meathook Jim recommends haunt music for your attraction, and The Haunt-stumentalist spins a quartet of tunes this time.  but wait! there’s more…Vsyther’s segment is about 50 years of ZZ Top?!? We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice, just by listening to…..THE BIG SCARY SHOW Featured Music: Midnight Syndicate – Born of the Night – Haunted Nursery – Haverghast Asylum – Shadows ( Haunt Rocker Remix) w/ Jerry Vayne