Big Scary Show – Episode 183 – Springtime



Episode 183 Spring Has Sprung..finally!  The Roundtable of Terror is all about Scare-Acting, as the (g)hosts offer seats at the Amish made table to Killer Katie, Michael Edwards, and Allen Hopps, as we discuss scare-acting, training tips, retention and safety. Badger brings us interviews with Crazy Bob Turner and Kelly Collins, as well as the latest Deadline News.  Storm is back with a Haunt Minute, and the Haunt-strumentalist spins the spooky tunes.   Meathook Jim and Vysther are on hiatus, bur we expect them back real soon. We hid the body, but you will become an accomplice, just by listening to…THE BIG SCARY SHOW Featured Music: Silent Horror – Evil Dead Sinister Symphonies – The Hellfire Club SinisterSonics – Zombo’s Midnight Midway