Big Scary Show – Episode 161 Scare-a-Con



Episode 161 Well, summer is here and Storm has been a busy weezel. He recently attended New England Scare-a-Con and brought back some great vendor interviews, with Feartown, Holmes Haus Photography, Horror Cornucopia, Horror Show Jack, I Think I Created a Monsta, JW Craft/Witch Hats, Loren Molloy, Scream Sisters, Terri Dragon, and the Dorkening. Badger is back with the latest Deadline News and perhaps a Gruesome Giveaway Winner, Storm rants about dying wishes, in a Haunt Minute, Meathook Jim babbles incoherently about his summer schedule on Between the Corpses,  Vysther talks about the Chicago Horror Scene and the Haunt-strumentalist spins a trio of spooky tunes. We hid the body, and you will become an accomplice, just by listening to… THE BIG SCARY SHOW   Featured Music: Audio Zombie – The Living Dead A Gathering of Darkness – Unholy Relic Gravetone Productions – Death Awaits