Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

How to Run Productive 1:1 Meetings with Your Team – Live Coaching with Kris | S04E08



Do your meetings with your team end up off track? Do you avoid scheduling meetings because they’re really not productive? If so, you’re definitely not alone. In this second installment of “Live Coaching with Kris”, I tackle this prevalent problem. As I coach a listener about how to run a productive 1:1 meeting, clarity in business rises to the surface. When you’re running a business, clarity is necessary in every area. Clarity in job descriptions, roles and responsibilities, clarity in expectations and outcomes, and clarity in the direction each team member is headed. With these in place, meetings naturally become more focused. Couple that focus with praise and positive feedback, and you’ll soon be looking forward to meetings, rather than dreading them. Speaking of clarity, if you missed the first installment of “Live Coaching with Kris”, I encourage you to go back and listen to it. In that episode, I advise around the common question: Should I Hire a Friend? Clarity is needed in that situation as well and