Go-to Gal With Jaclyn Mellone

Swipe this Strategy to Increase Your Sales with Nora Sudduth



Episode #233. About Nora: Nora Sudduth, Co-founder of Hello Audio is a leading marketing & conversion strategist who has helped businesses sell over $500M of products & services online. She’s also designed several courses, coaching and certification programs that have generated millions more.Connect with NoraWebsiteLinkedInFacebookFavorite Quotes“The one thing every consumer is gonna look for before they put that credit card down is the increased likelihood of success or certainty.  How certain am I that this investment is going to pay off? Because I'm looking at the trade-off and the return on investment.” compared to what I know I'm spending on gas and groceries. As a business owner or creator, you need to convey that higher likelihood of certainty. And how do you do that through these stories?”“I think private podcasts could be the new inbox. There's less noise in someone's podcast app and people are more likely to look at it. But you need to make that headline compelling.”“Priv