1m: A Homeopath's Podcast

39. Paola Brown our Wonder Woman and Defender of Homeopathy



Yesterday was Halloween, but the scary story that we've been grappling with- and will continue to- is the quiet action of the FDA, chipping away our access to homeopathic remedies.    This is episode 39 of the 1M podcast. Today I’ve brought you not just a great interview, but one of extreme importance to the health and future of homeopathy here in the United States, though I’m sure it will be of interest and enlightening to those out of the US as well.   Around the world there are waves of resistance and attacks against homeopathy in one form or another, so even if this isn’t happening where you live, you may face a different threat to the health and longevity of homeopathy, and I think whats’ happening here is applicable to everywhere in some ways, and vice versa.   So my guest today is someone who has become a familiar face to those of us who love homeopathy. Paola Brown, of the state of Texas here in the US, is an avid supporter of homeopathy, not only with her own family but as you’ll hear in her story, s