1m: A Homeopath's Podcast

35. A Conversation with Spero Latchis (S3035)



Today I have a conversation with Spero Latchis, a senior homeopath now living in Portland, Maine, though as you will hear in our conversation, he has had a unique and wide ranging career that’s taken him from Vermont, to India, and now here to Portland.   I’m late getting this podcast out and for that I apologize…. summer comes a bit fast and furious here to Maine after a slow spring and I got a bit swept up in the seasonal change- it’s hard to sit behind the desk and microphone when its barefoot season and the garden is growing.   So many great things came up in my conversation with Spero, in particular I was very intrigued by his suggestion to read Constatine Herrings’ article about how to study a remedy. I read it pretty quickly after I talked to Spero- and then I set about putting it to the test.   Because I’m an audiophile, and I think we often absorb information differently when we hear it, I’m publishing a second part to this interview, which is me reading the Herring article. I’ll put out one more epi