Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast (Bonus) - A Kindly Reminder



FEAR & The Champ bring a bonus episode of FEARCast. In this episode we talk about: - It's Friday night?? - Trying to not shit on someone's dream - Champ has a nemesis in Josh Thomson (MMA Fighter) - How to get your white privilege card? - The ban list, hand over your phone, this place is a mess - Give me "the minivan" - Fear gets himself and someone banned by their own family - Fuckin' millennials, snowflakes, Gen Y - FUCK YOU, everything can be funny, if you don't like it FUCK YOUR CUNT MOUTH! - Facebook allows people to post the most fucked up shit - Passenger - A Kindly Reminder - Ray & I had a discussion... Fuck Trump, but he's the guy - Enough of the Trump - Kangaroo Videos!! - GSP IS COMING BACK!! - Who will he fight? Should he fight Connor? - Joe Rogan Questions Everything: Robo-sapien? - The new sex robots are next level - Who doesn't want to fuck Siri? - The Champ does Virtual Reality - Is the next step in human evolution... robots? - What's the fucking government making? - Are there robots amongst