Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast 80 - An End to 2016



FEAR & J sit down to chat and wrap up 2016 the only way they can... a hot mess. In this episode we talk about: - J & Chad go to Europe - Diabetus Cast in the New Year - The Champ Conspiracy - Love/Hate relationship with Mr. Black - Ch-ch-Changes with J - Big things are coming... we promise! - Religion is dumb... here's why... - The war on Santa starts in Texas - J's guilt game is strong - The King of the Hill.. I forgot I missed that show - "My Grandpa is a ref!" - Green party wants a RECOUNT! - We solve America - Movies and TV we loved and hated - Member? - How well do we know our Disney Princesses? - What's better than war? Thank you to everyone that helped man FEARCast have such an amazing year. None of this shit is possible without amazing friends, listeners and guests. And in 2016 we had plenty!