Amazing Fba

Amazon inventory management



Amazon inventory management doesn’t sound very sexy. Sadly, it’s not just necessary. It's critical. The great news is this: get this right and you can improve everything you care about as an entrepreneur. It can actually transform your business. Especially its cash flow and profitability. If those aren't sexy words to you yet, they should be! Cash flow keeps you in business. And profit enables you not only to pay yourself. It creates 100% of the value in your business! Why it's important to get right Amazon inventory management right All systems selling products need to manage inventory well. Certainly, that's especially true for physical products. The sheer sales velocity on Amazon makes inventory management particularly critical on Amazon. It's a classic case of balance sheet management. You can make the same sales with lower working capital. That's less money invested. You can have stronger cashflow. Meaning it's safer. In addition, you can also make more sales. A LOT more sales. AND more profits! The