Amazing Fba

Amazon Repricing



Amazon repricing is the act of changing the sales prices of Amazon products multiple times. A common aim is to maximise the profit made over a given period. And that's what this series is all about: maximising your profits on Amazon. Amazon repricing - why this matters Most sellers - the vast majority in my experience - have rigid Amazon pricing. Here are some knock-on effects: Effects of Pricing too low on Amazon 1. You'll run out of stock more quickly...Usually of your best-selling products! 2. Weeks (months?)of zero cashflow and Zero profit while out of stock. 3. leaving profit on the table 4. no presence on Amazon while out of stock 5. Handing market share and sales to competitors 6. it can be hard to rank again when back in stock Effects of pricing too high on Amazon 1. Low sales velocity - which ties up a ton of cash. 2. Lower ranking, which can be hard to regain. Which in turn leads to lower visibility...and lower sales 3. You can lose the buy box – and sales - to your competition! (and YES