Amazing Fba

How to Leverage an Existing Product Catalogue onto DTC Site



We spend so much time as Amazon sellers stressing about how to get OFF Amazon. No wonder. Between Amazon's iron grip on customer data, the fact they showcase our competition to "our" shoppers/prospective customers and of course...the dreaded suspension email... we all have solid aspirations to develop our own independent sales channels. The reality however is often a damp squib. So many Amazon sellers I know have a Shopify or woocommerce site that does almost nothing. A few I know make a few % of revenue from their DTC site - but with almost no profit! So how do we make this work in reality?  Well one thing is to make use of all the incredible hard work we’ve already done on product research, design, development and supplier sourcing. Supply chains are hard things to make work at the best of times - especially these days! But if you’ve already done that work, leveraging your existing catalogue onto your own Direct to Consumer (DTC) site turns out to be surprisingly doable. Listen to Robert, ecommerce vetera