Solar Energy Show

Community Solar with Crystal Huang



Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon There are two types of solar customers: people with sunny roofs and people without sunny roofs. Just as every home had a chimney (before heat pumps), there is no doubt in my mind that every home will eventually have solar. But what about the people without sunny rooftops, such as apartment dwellers and homes in heavily forested areas? Or people who cannot afford the up-front cost of a solar system? How can these people avoid expensive utility electricity and benefit from the superior economics of their own solar systems? Community Solar is the answer for these sunny roof-challenged people. Basically, it is a way for people to share the power output from a large local solar array, and also contribute to the cost of the solar array. Community Solar customers benefit from lower electricity prices because they avoid the high markups, overhead and transmission costs of traditional utility power. There are no technical, logistical or economic barriers to Communit