Medically Speaking

Know the Stroke Signs with Dr. Peter Greco and Beth Nielsen, RN



Do you know the signs of stroke? Have you or a loved one suffered a stroke and don't know what rehab and long-term treatment options are available? Dr. Peter Greco, board-certified neurologist and Medical Director of the Stroke Program, and Beth Nielsen, RN, Stroke Program Coordinator, will be the featured guests on “Medically Speaking,” a live radio show that airs on WATR 1320 AM fin Waterbury, Connecticut. The program, which is sponsored by Saint Mary’s Hospital and hosted by Robin Sills, RN, Physician Liaison, will focus on stroke awareness, including signs and symptoms and what to do if you think you or someone else is having a stroke. Dr. Greco and Beth also will be talking about Saint Mary’s Stroke Program and our protocols for treatment.