Mothers Matter

14. Mothers and Family Friendly Policies



What is a genuinely family friendly policy?  It is not giving more hours of subsidised childcare so children spend ever longer hours away from the loving care of their parents.  It is not ensuring families to spend less time together by 'encouraging' mothers out of the home to work because they are not financially supported to care for their children themselves. In this podcast Marie Peacock, an early years and social care specialist who advocates for those giving 'invisible' care in the home, including in her role as Honorary VP of Mothers at Home Matter, discusses a wide range of policies to strengthen family life, including fairer family taxation, access to housing, enhanced child benefit payments and other options.   Apologies for the contribution of Lola, my golden retriever, in the introduction.  She doesn't get involved in the main discussion as her grasp of UK politics is, frankly, poor.