Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Genesis 47. Egypt becomes home.



Rev. David Boisclair of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Church in Pine Lawn, MO joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 47. Pharaoh graciously gave the Israelites the best land of Egypt. The LORD provided for His people, through Pharaoh, with the land and gave them a home for the next 400+ years. The journey was filled with blessings of reality. We can see this account of the Israelites with pessimistic eyes—eventually they would become slaves and have to endure years of issues. Yet, we are people of hope. We see how God provided for all of their needs which led to freedom from slavery and the promise of salvation. “O Holy Spirit, fill us with hope. Hope not in ourselves, but hope that as You provided for the Israelites, You will also provide for us. Keep the hope of Christ before us so that we know that if the Son is willing to die for us, indeed You will provide for our other needs. In Your name, Amen”