Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Genesis 46. Don’t forget the begets.



Rev. Mitchell Gowen, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Lutheran Church in Aiea, HI joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 46. Israel was making his journey to Egypt filled with questions of the future. He stopped to make a sacrifice and the LORD filled him with His promise to always be with Him. In this promise we see how God blessed Israel with each member of his family. In our own families we usually make an effort to include EVERY member of your family when introducing them to others. The LORD knew everyone of Jacob’s family as He also knows you! One has a hard time not tearing up when hearing of Jacob and Joseph’s reunion. We are reminded of the Prodigal Son when the Father ran to his son and how the LORD reunites us back to Himself through Christ. “Lord God, thank You for remembering, protecting, and saving us in Your mercy. We pray once again for You to be with us so that we may enjoy the eternal family reunion with the Lamb of God who has taken our sins. In His name, amen”