Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Genesis 43. The brothers return.



Rev. Lucas Witt, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Baltimore, MD joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 43. The Israelites needed to return as the famine continued. The choice to leave was difficult for everyone, especially Jacob, but by the strength of God Almighty, they went. The situation was full of questions, “How will the governor respond to the money in our sacs?” “How will he react to Benjamin?” “Will we be thrown into jail?” “Will we ever be able to get home?” The reality was far different: a merry time, hospitality, a full meal, and a place at the governor’s table. The words from the steward are words we need to continually hear from one another and our LORD, “Peace to you.” “Lord Jesus Christ, fill us with peace as You are the Prince of Peace. When we enter conflicted situations, provide us with words as salt that we may be people of reconciliation depending on the hope we have through Your reconciliation for us to the Father. In Your name, Amen”