Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Genesis 40. Do not interpretations belong to God?



Rev. Nick Koschmann, pastor of Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Forest Grove, Oregon joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 40. Dreams can be fickle. They can give us a source of hope, but they can lead us away from our ultimate hope in the LORD. As the LORD would have it, the cupbearer and baker ended up in prison with Joseph. Each of them had bizarre dreams that ended up with different outcomes. By God’s grace, the LORD gave Joseph the ability to be their interpreter. God used Joseph at that time this ability to glorify Himself and not Joseph. We pray that whatever dreams, visions, or thoughts we have are not contradicting God’s Word, the cross, and His salvation in Christ. “Lord God, keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Whenever we find hope in anything other than you, bring us back to You. As You blessed Joseph to serve others, bless us with the opportunities to serve that they may glorify You and not ourselves. In Christ, Amen”