Fvs Podcasts

Valuation in Family Law Litigation



Guests: Josh Shilts, CPA/ABV/CFF/CGMA             Ken Pia, CPA/ABV  Josh and guest, Ken Pia, who leads the national matrimonial practice for Marcum LLP will share where the practice is at the beginning of the 3rd year of the pandemic. The podcast will also discuss some important issues to consider such as: Managing quality and credibility in an increasingly complex environment that is increasingly virtual Developing processes and the impact of business valuation trailblazers The value of always being prepared for litigation Avoiding the trend of shortcuts and what to put in your toolbox The episode is brought to you by the AICPA’s Forensic and Valuation Services Section, the premier provider of information, tools, advocacy and guidance for professionals who specialize in providing forensics, valuation, fraud, fair value and damages and by the CFF Credential and ABV Credential programs which allow AICPA members to demonstrate competence and confidence in providing these services to their clients. Visit us on