Dementia Resilience With Jill Lorentz

DRwJL – Validation Theory – A talk with Vicki de Klerk – Rubin, daughter of Naomi Feil



August 2, 2022 Last week I attended the Pioneer Conference in Denver Colorado and was enlightened by most of the speakers and subjects I listened to. One of my highlights was interviewing Vicki de Klerk - Rubin, the daughter of Validation theory architect Naomi Feil. It was an interesting and riveting conversation! I have used some of their methods with my clients. Some methods we approach differently, but as a whole I admire their work! Together the two have written and edited three books. Here's a little more on them: Vicki de Klerk-Rubin oversees organizational operations and is a Validation Master. Together with her mother, Naomi Feil, she revised the books, Validation: The Feil Method and The Validation Breakthrough. She authored Validation Techniques for Dementia Care: The Family Guide to Improving Communication and a new workbook: Communicate with older adults with cognitive decline: Validation for First Responders. She has a BFA from Boston University, an MBA from Fordham University, and did her