School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#187 Seek an ‘Inner Knowing’ (Insight & Intuition) And ACT On It to Avoid Sabotaging Your Life and Your Family



In our line of work coaching families for the past 20 years, we get an up-close-and-personal look into the lives of many different types of people.  It’s a sacred privilege and we learn so much. We often experience a wide range of emotions, from empathy to despair to elation. And not going to lie, sometimes we get fired up or frustrated about the things that people do — or don’t do — especially the things that THEY know they NEED to do.  They will receive a clear insight about something they should do or should NOT have done… but then they don’t act on it. This is usually because it’s big, frightening, requires too much work — or all of the above. In this episode, we dive into the long-term consequences of avoiding or ignoring these important moments of clarity. Plus, we'll cover what to do about your fears of the 'unknown'. If you’ve ever had a very clear moment, thought, or feeling about something you should do, or realized clearly that something you did do was a mistake but didn't know how to fix