Jump Start Your Joy

Finding Joy and Learning to "Give From Your Overflow" During Stressful Times



The weighty-ness of the past two years means we're all working through difficult things. Joy is as important now as ever before. Joy gives you room for "overflow" which allows you to be more present & available for the things that matter most. In this episode, I'm sharing: 1. a quote that made me rethink the role of joy in the world, and why we must keep choosing it. 2. How the current news cycle, and use of fear by many politicians and mass media keeps us stuck in feeling like we can't do anything but stay plugged in to the fire hose of fear that they create. 3. Why and how joy is important: taking time for joy-filled things like concerts, writing, creative outlets, and other things means you build overflow. 4. How overflow allows you to do more of the important things you love. And how that can change the world. Sign up to receive the Jump Start Your Joy newsletter Follow Jump Start Your Joy on your favorite podcasting app Resources: Episode with Sonya Renee Taylor Support "The Body is Not an Apology" S