Organic Gardener Podcast

272. Start Your Farm for the 21st Century Sustainable Farmer | Plant To Profit | Ellen Polishuk | Washington DC



I am delighted to introduce my amazing guest from (Plant to Profit Farm Consulting) Ellen Polishuk is here to share her amazing knowledge and story as well as her new book available on http://Start Your Farm: The Authoritative Guide to Becoming a Sustainable 21st Century Farmer (amazon) or her website! (Start Your Farm: The Authoritative Guide to Becoming a Sustainable 21st Century Farmer) Listen to your first audio book for free by clicking on our (audible) affiliate link () Tell us a little about yourself you were telling me today in Washington DC you had snow today. Yup! as you said, just the end of January having a little bit of snow raised in the DC Suburbs 55 been here a long time whole career has been in agriculture vegetable gardener part of a farm called Potomac Vegetable Farms  25 year career there growing and selling organically grown vege