Clarity On Fire

Dear Krachel: Should I feel guilty if I quit my job with no notice?



Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.   This month we answered questions from:   Bummed Entrepreneur, who worked her buns off for years to build a successful business. She has a great business partner, a staff, and more growth than she expected—and she’s “miserably numb.” She woke up one day and just … didn’t care, and nothing (not a vacation, not therapy) is changing how she feels. Why is she so bummed after getting everything she asked for?   Angelica, who worked hard (both on herself as a person, and on her career) to land a true dream job that she LOVES. But she finds herself bumping up against a fear that won’t go away—that maybe it’s not possible to have both a dream career AND a dream relationship. How can she let go of the idea that she can’t have both?   A Quitter with Qualms, who’s super disengag