Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Build a Business that Supports Your Life | S04E11



“You should do this.” “You should do that!” “Hey, have you considered…” When you’re building a business, so many voices and ideas constantly come at you. You can become lost in all the possibilities and your business becomes your life. Maybe it’s time to build your businesses a little differently… Especially if you realize you’ve built your life around your business, rather than your business around your life.  But what if you intentionally built your business to nurture the life you want? How would you go about it? To begin, you need to quiet the noise all around you, to anchor to internal wisdom, and then act from there. Let’s talk about what it might look like to build a business that supports your life.  “We get so immersed in the business that we end up building a life around the business. We’ve accommodated the business by compromising our lives.” – Kris Plachy What You’ll Learn  Noise of life Internal anchors Growth from the reaction phase Choose the life you want Ask the questions, make the changes