Scott Thompson Show

Forcillo sentenced, catching pedophiles and a viral video gone bad.



Officer Forcillo was sentenced this morning to six years today in the Sammy Yatim case. In January, a jury acquitted the officer of second degree murder however was found guilty of attempted murder.    Guest: Geoffrey Read, Hamilton Attorney.    When it comes to dealing with suspects suffering from mental illness, how can police improve?   Guest:  Oren Amitay, Registered Psycholigst and Media Consultant.     A Toronto man has been doing vigilante justice by setting up meetings with people, posing as young children and then filming the confrontations with pedophiles. What are legal rammifications when someone tries to take the law into their own hands?   Guest: Joseph Neuberger, Criminal Lawyer with Neuberger & Partners LLP. An investigation is underway in Georgia, after a mom shared a video of her beating her daughter, and at the end, demanded that it be shared on social media. Where’s the line for social media and our private lives? Where does law come into place when it comes to social media and abuse?   Gu