Scott Thompson Show

LRT and the DNC.



Hamilton City Councillor Terry Whitehead released a 58 page report this morning in regards to the LRT plan. The report questions pro LRT talking points.   Terry Whitehead. City Councillor, Ward 8, City of Hamilton. LRT in Hamilton has become such a hot button issue with many business and people having different opinions. What are the reasons some people are opposed to the plan?   Carol Lazich, opponent of LRT, Gilbert’s Big & Tall Shop Men’s Shop .   The Democratic Convention starts today. What is the general perception of the nominee? What could she do to fix her image with the voters? Ray Heard, Liberal strategist  The Democratic National Convention begins today in Philadelphia. Who will be on hand? Are there specific themes each day? And what of this Wikileaks e-mail scandal? Jackson Proskow, Washington Bureau Chief, Global News.   DNC continued… Paul Hamilton , Associate Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science, Brock University has a special interest in nationalism and