Bill Kelly Show

Jason Kenney, housing affordability and Michael Flynn.



Alberta PC leader Jason Kenney made a comment about gay-straight alliances in schools, saying they’re a cause of concern. At an editorial board he said, “Parents have a right to know what’s going on with their kids in the schools unless the parents are abusive. I don’t think it’s right to keep secrets from parents about the challenges their kids are going through.” Guest: Theo Selles, Registered Family Therapist, President of Integrity Works. How should our provincial government handle housing affordability? Earlier this week the Ontario finance minister said that housing affordability measures will be in the spring budget. Guest: Tim Hudak, CEO of the Ontario Real Estate Association. Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is talking with the House and Senate intelligence committees in regards to the Russia investigation. He is trying to get immunity form ‘unfair prosecution’ in exchange for agreeing to be questioned into the probes. Guest: Laura Babcock. President, PowerGroup.