Summerfield Pediatric Dentistry's Podcast

Episode 29: Appointment 29 - Solar Warriors



As humanity we are reaching the final phase of the main collective problem: the fragmentation.The myth of separation had brought us a lot of sickness. War, slavery, pollution, frenetic consume, and other destroying behaviors comes from this fragmented mindset.Solar warriors are those men and women that light the fire inside their heart.Solar warriors are those that swing the sword of light to rip the veil of fragmentationSolar warriors are those men and women that cultive compassion and kindness to grow and bloom LOVE.Solar warriors are all those childs that teach us the blissful state of innocence.The time is NOW, to become those Solar Warriors. Music is our weapon of regeneration. LOVE is our goal.This new Appointment comes with the strength and fire from a Solar flame.Dear listener have an inspiring journey into the finest organic house out there in the globe.With Love.