Pastor Jason Anderson - Audio

God Will Restore the Years



Today we are going to start in Joel 2:25 (NKJV), “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust. My army I sent among you.” There are four types of ways the curse has stolen from us. This passage is a prophesy of what happened when Christ came. Christ broke the curse, but then He didn't just stop there. He promises to restore what the curse steals, what Satan steals, the years stolen from you. And so He identifies each of the four. They represent your effort/time, your relationships, your money, and your fruit. You worked for years and years and it was all wasted. You were married to the wrong man, he was abusive, he didn't love you, 10 years, and you look at the time, ugh, what a waste. You made that investment; the money vanished like thin air. You raised your children to love the Lord, but they are running to the world. Too many Christians