
#C1221: BI Sustainability: Lars Huemer og Ketil Hoigaard: Sustainability driven strategies: cooperative parking



How can we challenge traditional business-models to find new sustainable solutions for city planning? In this episode you will lørn about Parqio and how they have created a solution for better usage of parking spaces for several different uses. Silvija hosts Lars Huemer from BI and Ketil Høigaard from Parqio and discusses among other things new ecosystems, resource combinations and challenging new business models.Dette LØRNER du: New data-driven and sustainability-driven strategies downplay competition, focus on collaboration. Our example of Parqio, and Airbnb for garages, shows how inhabitants are thinking differently, city planners, building developers are thinking differentlyResource combinationions and re-combinations. Better resource usage across the whole ecosystem, with example of garage gate providers who have become acces service providers, with ecosystem integration and software keys; resource bundles and interdependencies existing across bundles; a garage in isolation does not have that much v