Horror 101 Podcast

Horror 101 - Episode 91: Misery (1990)



Welcome back Horror fans! The Horror 101 crew decided to let Nood pick the movie she wanted to feature as part of her 50th birthday gift. To our amazement she chose one of the best Stephen King novel adaptations ever created. Directed by Rob Reiner and written for the screen by William Goldman, this film gave Kathy Bates an Academy Award for Best Actor. its a riveting tale of an accomplished novelist being saved from a certain death situation by his number one fan. Imagine being at the complete mercy of a nurse who slowly unravels and looses her mind, becoming more violent and deranged day by day. Paul Sheldon used to write for a living. Now, he's writing for his life. Join us as we give a special birthday treatment to Misery. Show Highlights:01:00 Prelude to Terror...04:00 The Episode of Nood...12:12 The Car Accident...14:30 I'm your Number 1 Fan...18:30 Can I read your new book?20:50 Misery's Child Trigger...24:15 Torching His Work...26:35 Finding Memory Lane...28:50 The Hobbling...32:15 Almost Resc