Brew Theology Podcast

Episode 177 - Sports and Religion



Today we're talking Sports and Religion. Now, before all you non-sports fans tune out, I beg you to give it a chance. In researching this topic we found some deep connections between sports and religion.  So please listen up as we talk Super Bowl and Olympics, New Testament and Old, and get a better understanding of where sports competitions came from and what those competitions meant to the various gods that demanded their participation.  I promise you'll be surprised and probably learn something new! ___________ If you are a fan of any of our Brew Theology shows, give this episode a share on the interwebs, rate Brew Theology on iTunes and give BT a brewtastic review! Head over to the Brew Theology website, to learn more, and/or become a local partner, sponsor and financial contributor. Questions & inquiries about Brew Theology, the alliance/network, Denver community or podcast, contact Ryan Miller: &/or /// Follow us on Facebook &