Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Eliminate Self Doubt: How This One Upgrade Will Usher in Success with Dr. Shannon Irvine



Do you think of yourself as someone who is motivated and driven but find your hopes and dreams stuck on pause? Self-judgment and self-doubt are the number one roadblocks to success. But YOU can OVERCOME self-doubt and stop self-judgment.  It starts with a shift in your thinking.  Self-doubt is an automated thought you didn't choose. It’s been repeated so much that it is the pattern your brain sees any new change through. When you do something you’ve never done before, the design running in your subconscious equals doubt. Self-doubt keeps you playing small. You get fewer results toward your visions and dreams when you play small. It is the enemy of success.  Self-doubt questions HOW you are going to do something. Overcoming self-doubt starts with reframing the question of HOW by asking WHAT STEPS you need to take to make your vision a reality. The quicker you realize self-doubt and self-judgment are a lie, the easier it is to separate from those thoughts.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, yo