Retro Gaming Revelry

Retro Gaming Revelry - Ep. 202 - Vice: Project Doom



This week Earl and Jurek had big plans to play a Sega Genesis game quarantine style, but as it turns out, the Sega Genesis Classics game on the Switch is absolute trash! That means the guys had to pull an audible and play something else! They decided on Vice: Project Doom for the NES! The game actually turns out to be very fun. It features several different styles of play: Driving/racing, Side scrolling platformer, and on rails shooter! The game's difficulty ramped up quickly, but the guys still had some fun with it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 17, 2020. I think we're finally getting the hang of this "recording remotely" thing! Also, with this episode's release we have finally caught back up to our regular recording schedule. For the uninformed, we generally record on a Friday and that episode gets released the following Friday. Due to Covid-19, our schedule got a little off but we are now back on track! Once again we hope everyone is staying safe and heal