Retro Gaming Revelry

Retro Gaming Revelry - Ep. 198 - Castle of Illusion



This week Earl and Jurek play Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse on the Sega Genesis! The game turns out to be pretty great! It looks gorgeous, it controls well, and the difficulty seems to be just right! If the guys had to make one complaint, it might be that the music is just a little lackluster, but it's still quite serviceable! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 20, 2020. This was about a half a week before the Minnesota governor gave the stay-at-home order, so Jurek and I are recording in the same space for this one. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but we both seem to be doing just fine. This episode is a little longer than normal, as we discuss the world events for quite some time. All episodes from here on out were/will be recorded from our separate homes, at least until the stay-at-home order is lifted. We really hope you all are taking care of yourselves and staying smart and staying healthy. Thanks for listening, Revelers!