English With Kirsty

EwK171 - 12 things I've learned in 8 years of working from home full-time



There is plenty of information out there about working from home, but some of it is a bit generic.I decided to share some things that I've learned and that have worked for me during my 8 years of working from home full-time.I also wrote a blog post about this, so if you'd rather read the information, you can find it here:https://englishwithkirsty.com/2020/03/22/things-that-ive-learned-during-my-8-years-of-working-from-home/You can find out more about my 30 ways to improve your English challenge here - the new challenge starts on 14th April 2020:https://englishwithkirsty.com/about-the-lessons/30-days/I also mentioned the conversation club that I've set up with Jane, whom I interviewed on the podcast last time. This information is in German, so if you don't speak German and want to know more, send me a message and I'll help with that.https://englishwithkirsty.com/conversation-club-with-kirsty-and-jane/