Swank Life

SL 45 - Swank Life with Peter Andrew Sacco



Peter Andrew Sacco talks with Jake Swank about his book Why Women Want What They Can't Have & Men Want What They Had After It's Gone! And the key things about relationships that people should know.   Key Takeaways  02:28 – Women want people who will listen to what they're saying and not just hear what they're saying. And whatever you are putting out, is going to attracting the same type of person you might not want. 04:00 – Men and Women, more so with women, both have pressure from society to be in a relationship, cause that's the only way to be attractive, acceptable, and happy in life, and they go on thinking like this in every relationship they have. 05:58 – Funny thing with people is, if you explain to them that your focus is on a career then they don't think there's anything wrong with you not being in a relationship. 08:05 – You've got to be happy with yourself and love yourself to succeed in a relationship. 10:06 – Women know what they feel a lot faster than men, and if men wait too long to show th