Swank Life

SL 39 - Isabel Behncke - Primatologist at Oxford



Jake Swank talks to Isabel Behncke a primatologist at the Oxford University. She's been on TED talks and today on the show she shares some very important scientific tips as to what a women loves in a man and how you can improve your lifestyle to attract women.    Key Takeaways:  4:10 – Despite what most people think, good guys do not finish last. Women want the good guy in a long term relationship.  7:45 – Females are a limited resources to males, because they have a reproductive cycle of about 9 months. 10:00 – In the short term, women are most likely to trust a man if they show vulnerable traits.  12:00 – What attracts women? Use your brain, humor, generosity, and have a good social network.      Mentioned In This Episode:  http://swanklife.com/   http://senrg.psy.ox.ac.uk/people/i_behncke.html