

Discerning Focus Does creating content just for the online "Catholic Bubble" prevent us from actually evangelizing those who need to be evangelized? As we continue to evaluate what content to create and how to create it (i.e., with what focus and emphasis should we use), we find ourselves questioning whether our content is too Catholic or not Catholic enough. Of Thomas and Catherine Our discernment process also includes Jennifer studying quite a bit about St. Catherine of Sienna while Greg is being drawn more and more to St. Thomas Aquinas. According to Jennifer, however, Greg's approach is much like our kitten, Molly, acts. New Podcast Series - What We're Dealing With This week we've launched a brand new podcast series, co-hosted with our friends Mac and Katherine Barron called "What We're Dealing With." In this series we'll take deeper dives into discussing Catholic topics of today with a bit more serious of a viewpoint. This podcast is an exclusive bonus offering for those who support either our Patreon co