

Keeping Mementos from Our Pasts, Presentation vs. Circumcision, The Cup of Christ and the Spotless Lamb, and Creating New Forms of Revenue to Save For Retirement. VOICEMAIL: 206-203-3089 or send MP3 to Subscribe (and leave a review!) via iTunes Subscribe via RSS Thanks to Popple for the music in this episode. Invite Greg and/or Jennifer to speak at your parish, group, or organization's next event. Links and Resources Mentioned in the Show: Survey to Help Greg Pick his Next Project Greg's Blog Cliff Ravenscraft's Podcast Answerman Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Support our Family and Buy Our Books! Buy Greg's New Book - "The New Evangelization and You: Be Not Afraid" (Available in Paper, eBook, or Audio) Buy Greg and Jennifer's book, The Catholics Next Door: Adventures in Imperfect Living (Available in Paper, eBook, or Audio). Feedback Number – 206-203-3089 Click the arrow above to listen to this episode