Coach Hos Podcast

Episode # 41 Dr. Mike and I discuss WHAT DOES ACL RETURN 2 PLAY ACTUALLY MEAN?



Dr. Mike and I discuss a HOT TOPIC "WHAT DOES RETURN TO PLAY ACTUALLY MEAN"? And the "VALIDITY OF THE TRIPLE HOP DISTANCE TEST AS A RETURN TO SPORT ASSESSMENT" Question asked by a mom in the "Parents of the ACL Recovery" page My daughter is 5.5 months post op, quad graft, and went for her 6 month check up today. They ended up testing her for return to play, and she passed with a score of 98%, meaning her surgery leg is almost equal to her other leg! I thought I would post videos of some of the tests that they did in hopes they will help someone. They also did a basic quad and hamstring strength test, and she was equal on those. Now we are waiting on the dr. to call to let us know what exactly this means. She is a 15 yr old ECNL soccer player and has been cleared by her PT to do everything EXCEPT contact for the past few weeks. Just curious what “return to play” actually means, as I know she will not be playing in games this early!