Book Choice

Book Choice - 05 Sept 2022



: Today is the first Monday in September, and you’re tuned into Book Choice on Fine Music Radio, sponsored by Exclusive Books, with me, your host Paige Nick. For our spring show, we have a great line up of book reviews and author interviews to help you add a new book or two, or three, to your pile. Here’s what you have to look forward to over the next hour, Beverley Roos Muller, will be reviewing Tunnel 29, by Helena Merriman. The extraordinary true story of escapees who tunnelled back under the Berlin Wall to help their contacts escape during the cold war. Then we chat to Vanessa Levenstein about Trust, by Hernan Diaz, which was just announced as a Booker Prize longlist nominee. And here’s a fun fact we’ll delve into further a little later in the show, all the music in today’s show, comes straight out of this incredible book. After that, John Hanks interviews Ashling McCarthy, about her first book, ‘Down at Jika Jika Tavern’. Then Shirley Gueller gives us the inside track on Attic Child, by Lola Jay