Mythic Radio Podcast (paranormal, Talk)

#121 | Encounters With Bigfoot & Sasquatch



[Ep.121] Paranormal Mysteries PodcastI find all aspects of the paranormal fascinating, but there’s something about the possibility of undocumented flesh and blood creatures lurking in the forests, that absolutely intrigues me. Tonight I’m going to be taking a look at several eye witness reports some of which are fairly well known and others that are less popular, but just as unsettling.The Siege at Honobia - Sasquatch Chronicles Episode 11 ( SOURCE: paranormalmysteriespodcast@gmail.comWebsite: http://www.paranormalmysteriespodcast.comForum: Membership: Donation: Universe ( WONDERFUL SUPPORTERS:Trista, Robin, Marjorie, Clyde, Kathy, Brett, Cassandra, Jan, Sarah F, Skyler, Courtney B, Wors