Boiler Room

Anti-Mandate Protesters = Canadian Marshal Law Act (Part 2)



Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM - Learn to protect one's self from predatory mass media cartels!In the second part of the show Mark Anderson gives an update on the latest from his show, Stop The Presses with Texas border issues, the Gubernatorial Race for Texas between Abbott and his contenders and the general sense of "bi-partisan betrayal that is permeating the state's political class. AOC says "Texas will turn blue, one day soon!" The discussion rolls back to the Trucker protest thats ongoing in Ottawa Canada after Mark gives an update on the situation with political prison, PF Lazor, and his fight to be granted parole after 39 years in prison. Click into the second hour to learn more! The ATF wants to help scorned lovers get revenge on their ex's with a new gambit to turn the public against one another and create a snitch state. The civil suit against the insurance companies that represented the defunct gun manufacturer, Remington, being misconstrued as a "liability" case. Rumors of the Mo