Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Neutralizing Difficult People & Regaining Peace to Age GreatFULLy with Sarah Elliston



​Former "difficult person" herself comes front stage to share with all who will listen how to deal with "people like us!" Author of the book, "Lessons from a Difficult Person: How to Deal with People Like Us" shares her infinite knowledge in her mission to help others stand up for themselves and regain peace.The funny thing is that Sarah Elliston never realized she was “a difficult person,” -- someone who harangued people until she got her way, threw snip fits and temper tantrums, talked over her bosses and pointed out what she thought were their misconceptions. In her family, where she felt bullied, the only way she knew how to get someone’s attention and approval was to voice her opinion—and loudly! Without standing her ground, how could she do what she thought was best for herself and everyone else around her. She wasn’t intentionally mean-spirited. She was just trying to do what she thought was RIGHT! Until a kind, but firm, boss woke her up! With great compassion, and strength, her boss pointed out that